Black Lives Matter!
I can’t believe this needs to be said but black lives matter. If you haven’t heard of the unjust killing of George Floyd, then you simply must be living under a rock. Racism in America and many other places across the world has supposed to been abolished right? Then tell me why we have innocent men getting killed for not resisting arrest? When detaining a citizen that is continuously saying “I can’t breathe” I'm positive that is a severe indication that this man can’t breathe, and you should stop whatever you’re doing but that’s just a wild guess. Using this unorthodox technique not trained by the police out there to retain George Floyd is a great indicator of showing how institutionalized racism is still very existent in the U.S.A. It’s time for activism there’s no need for racism in a supposed free and equal country.
Our president and people of power in America have made it very apparent that they care more about property damage than people's lives. Property can come back a human beings life cannot. This is a sickening truth when a basic human right is too not be murdered or have to fear for one's life because as humans, we shouldn’t be senselessly murdered. And when people are senselessly murdered this an indication that the system is broken and needs to be fixed. This systemic racism isn't just new too 2020, senseless murder of African Americans from cops has been fluid for many years, and now is the time for change, for reform, for activism.
Being a Caucasian white male in America I have realized growing up that I have white privilege but seeing this senseless murder constantly has infuriated me like it has many others but I am here to say to that I stand with you. I understand that I will never understand exactly what it feels like to be discriminated against like the people of color who have to undergo and bare this ignorant systemic racism. But even if I can't exactly understand where you're coming from I stand for you and so should every other white person it's time to help this cause, use your white privilege and help because black lives matter and enough is enough. I'm sick and tired of seeing racism in this country and others it's time to rise up together for equality. Black people should not have to fear for their lives ever. Enough is enough.
A message for all the people who say it doesn’t need to be violent protests well people have tried multiple times to be peaceful in a lot of these protests and often even police are starting the violence. And remember Kaepernick kneeled peacefully for the same cause and now he can't even get a job in the NFL when he's skilled enough to have one. I get the reason people prefer peaceful protest because I do too but when peaceful protest doesn’t even get a message across and the injustice still happens then a message needs to be sent that people won't stand for injustice. That’s what I think these riots are doing they're sending a message to racists that people won't sit quietly and be oppressed we will fight back and stand up for what is right. Don’t forget when you're silent in unjust times you choose the side of the oppressor, use your voice it matters! All lives can’t matter unless black ones do.
Stand up against racism! Black Lives Matter!